3 Reasons I Stayed On With Blogging

1. Great way to stay in touch with friends
When you have friends in different parts of the world, emailing all of them the same stories of what you did every weekend can become pretty overwhelming. What better than to just write it in one place, and have them come over and read it? Best of all, conversations are started over comments, and everyone get to know everyone, that kinda thing. This does NOT replace the personal touch you have with your buddies, of course.

2. Great way to meet new friends
Oh, I couldn't stress this enough. I'm so glad for all the blogging pals I made, ever since I went public with this blog. It took time to build a rapport with other bloggers out there, but it was worth the effort. Oh, and the *ahem* occasional ego boost is fantastic ;) (oh come on, don't tell me you didn't like it :p)

3. Great way to learn new things
Latest information in technology, current issues, sales, promotions, etc - you can get ALL of that in blogs. My magazine-buying habit has taken a serious dip ever since I discovered blogs. I only buy the odd magazine from time to time now; I can get everything else here.

So what are you waiting for? If you've not jumped onto the blogging bandwagon, come on in. There's plenty of room for all ;)

Dolies is the founder and editor in chief of Lascha.com ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium wordpress templates for free use.