Make Money With Smorty
Did you feel satisfied with the production that was owned by you at this time?Did you want to produce money even more?Knew you that blog you could give profit ? The answer from all that was Smorty !!get paid for blogging
Smorty was the advertising program that bridged between blogger and advertiser/the advertiser So as blogger could produce money from blog and the advertiser could promote his product. Through Smorty, advertisers can pay bloggers to write posts and add link back to advertisers site. They payment is through paypal.
The condition to become part of this program as blogger was blog you must Registered at Google and Yahoo. You blog must must aged minimal 3 months. You Blog might not contain the contents that invited racist,mature, you blog must be active and had at least two post a week, and you blog might not duplication post other/plagiarism.
Make sure that your blog meets the application rules. A Smorty’s staff will review your application. Usually the process is about one or two days. However, this process can take up to 30 days. If they approve your blog, you can accept available opportunities.
His procedure, you will accept the notification through the email, if having the task that must be carried out by you, afterwards you could write him in post, after that handed over him, if being accepted by you will get the direct payment in paypal you at the beginning of this week.
Belive it ! This program was very promising and gained the financial freedom together with smorty
Dolies is the founder and editor in chief of ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium wordpress templates for free use.