Russia Add 3 Competitors GPS Navigation Satellites

Russia outer space agency, Roscosmos, successfully launched three new satellites into orbit, Thursday (24/12). The third satellite is intended to support network-based satellite navigation system that built the former communist countries.

Satellite-satellite was launched using the Proton-M rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. Russia has previously launched 17 satellites in navigation system called the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS).

Russia plans to place a total of 24 satellites in orbit before the navigation system is activated. Russian government should operate in full GLONASS began early this year. However, the plan was delayed because of technical problems.

GLONASS is designed to reach all corners of the Earth. Satellite system such as this will be a competitor only satellite navigation system in the world today is global positioning system (GPS) made in the U.S..

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