Blog Action Day
When Collis contacted me four weeks ago regarding the Blog Action Day, I jumped on board straight away (in fact DBT was one of the very first blogs to join it). Now we have just over one month before the event takes place, and it looks like it is achieving critical mass with almost 5,000 participant blogs.
What is the Blog Action Day about? Basically it is a social initiative aiming to get as much bloggers as possible talking about an issue (the first one will be the environment) on the same day, raising both money and awareness. I firmly believe that the Internet and the technologies that are democratizing the access to information will have a profound impact on the socio-economical problems of the world. This initiative goes on that direction.
Apart from the altruistic aspect, however, is the event positive for the blogosphere? Does it affect you as an individual bloggr? Absolutely. First and foremost because it solidifies the position of blogs as a legitimate media. Events of this proportion tend to get more attention from mainstream publications, increasing the number of people that read – and trust – blogs.
How can you participate? There are three ways:
- post anything that has to do with the environment on October 15th
- donate part of your earnings to one of the charities involved
- register up and help to promote the event
What are you waiting for?
Dolies is the founder and editor in chief of ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium wordpress templates for free use.
buruan donk mbah...cucu udh ga sabar lg neh!!!heheheheee....klo bisa skalian ama temennya Sheeren yg lain sprti Cinta dll ya mbah..Thx